
The Virtues Blog

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Washington DECA, Virtues Matter Share the LOVE to support student well-being media May 31, 2021


Washington State - Washington DECA and Virtues Matter launched #SharetheLOVEDECA, an initiative to help students build a culture of appreciation, connection and self-care. #SharetheLOVEDECA is designed to help students develop a positive mindset by cultivating virtues like Gratitude,...

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Need a Thanksgiving boost? This app can quickly lift spirits media Nov 25, 2020

On his recent podcast episode of Now What, Jason Hiner interviews Dara Feldman about the Virtues Cards and how it gives a boost to parents, educators, team leaders and anyone who is trying to stay strong during the pandemic. He shares, "The app offers a daily dose of inspiration on the human qualiti...

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Kindness: The Language of LOVE media Nov 09, 2020

As we head to World Kindness Day on November 13,  we are seeing dozens of organizations, events and innovative initiatives share the impact of kindness. There are many benefits from practicing kindness - from increasing self-esteem, empathy and compassion, to lowering blood pressure. Kindness matte...

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America Meditates Podcast media Oct 06, 2020

Join the podcast, America Meditates, with Sister Jenna, Director of the Meditation Museums in Maryland & Virginia as she shares a meditation and interviews the Virtues Matter team about inspiring ways to master the challenges on the journey of life.  For decades, Sister Jenna has moved and shaped th...

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Being of Service through Caring media Oct 04, 2020

Dave and Dara were guests on the Culture and Leadership Connections podcast to introduce Virtues, share insights on culture and offer ways to bring positivity to our world. Starting with a phone shake of the Virtues Cards and a random selection of the ‘Caring’ card, some highlights are listed below....

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Rainn Wilson Loves Virtues media May 19, 2020

Actor and comedian Rainn Wilson loves virtues!

You may not know it from his role as Dwight Schrute on The Office, but Rainn is compassionate, caring and committed to making a positive impact on the world to bring out the best in people. He founded SoulPancake, a media company that celebrates humani...

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Press Release: New App Helps People to Cultivate Virtues media Feb 10, 2020

North Bethesda, Maryland - There’s a new, easy-to-use tool designed to aid all people in the everyday quest to lead lives of joy, meaning and purpose: The Virtues Cards App.

Based on work endorsed by the Dalai Lama and honored by the United Nations, the app offers simple guidance to help people cul...

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